"I want to help people reconnect with the joy of playing music."

Like many of us, I learned music the conventional way. I learned to write, to read music and to play unknown songs that I dont like. I didn't learn the songs that I liked because experts told me that I needed first to improve my knowledge and technique. 

I get discouraged and frustrated playing songs that I didn’t like and some day I had no option but to quit music lessons. 

"the more you try the more you think you can't sing and you will never do"

But in your soul, the joy of melodies still remains when you hear a song that moves you. However you still feel like you are not enough talented or perseverant to achieve anything in music.

"Don't die with your music still in you"

Wayne Dyer


- When you try to sing while playing it gets tangled up and the more you try the more you think you can't sing and you will never do

- You feel overwhelmed by the abundance of information in internet and you don't know where to start the ukulele

- You want to know how to play and sing a song from start to finish

Try the JeanBat's Ukulele Lessons and you will see how simple it is to enjoy playing music and share it with others.



 Paraiso - Costa Rica

"I am impressed by how easy something that I thought impossible can be"

"Jean Bat shared his method with me and wow, wow! I am impressed by my own ability to learn and all thanks to their practices and exercises. In truth, I am easily playing the song that I want to play for my baby when he is born"


Amsterdam - Holland

"I now feel that I can play every song I like. It just needs practice."

His method sounded so simple but turned out to be very successful. No complicated explanations about musical theory but short and comprehensive tips. He really commits to teach the song YOU want to learn. This is an excellent motivator. 

He uses very effective exercises to train the muscle memory so you're able to switch between chords quickly. For me this was maybe the biggest challenge.